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How to build

To be able to make changes to the Open1560 code a development environment is required. This page will explain how to set this up.

Visual Studio 2022

The Open1560 code is build and developed using Visual Studio 2022. The community edition can be downloaded here. Make sure to select `Desktop Development with C++” during the installation.

Git clone

Use git bash to clone the repo with the following command:

git clone

Replace 0x1F9F1 with your own GitHub username if you created a fork already.

This will create the Open1560 directory.

Prepare script

After having done that, shift+right click on the directory Open1560 directory and select “Open PowerShell window here”. Then run the following command with after replacing the location of the Midtown Madness in it:

tools/premake5.exe --MM1_GAME_DIRECTORY=c:/location/of/mm1/installation

Make sure to use /s and not \s in the Midtown Madness path.

This will create the Visual Studio project files which will be used in the next step.

Get started

Now the code can be openened by double clicking the newly created build/Open1560.sln project file for Visual Studio. If all the previous steps were done correctly, clicking Start Debugging at the top of the screen in Visual Studio should build and run Open1560. Feel free to play around with the code and make changes.